Ed Klopfenstein

2024 Kakehashi Trip Applications Ready

2024 Kakehashi Trip Applications Ready

The JACL announced the return of its in-person Kakehashi project trips! This year’s program will be from December 11 – 18, 2024. A total of 71 participants will travel to Japan to enhance their understanding of the Japanese economy, society, history, diverse culture, politics, and diplomatic policies through people-to-people exchanges. Participants are expected to play an active and important role in the future of U.S.-Japan relations.

Kakehashi Trip Applications are now due

We will also be looking for applications for three chaperones! Japanese language experience preferred!

Kakehashi Requirements

Some changes to this year’s program include an increase in the age restrictions; participants can be up to 27 years old when they leave for the trip. All participants who attend will also need proof of at least three vaccinations before applying and the most updated vaccine before leaving for the trip. Due to budget restraints, participants must pay an Attendance Fee for this year’s trip, which will cost NO MORE than $45. Additionally, participants must pay for their own Wireless or Cell service on the trip. Visit the JACL website for additional requirements.

The trip is reserved for people of Japanese descent.


Applications will close on Sunday, September 15th at 11:59 pm Hawaiian Standard Time.

Posted by Ed Klopfenstein in Economy