Consular Office of Japan in Portland and Jetro will be part of this event.
The trade experts of east Asia will discuss opportunities in current east Asian markets. This includes a panel discussion how you can tap into a multitude of free or low-cost export assistance from agencies such as the Small Business Administration, the Idaho District Export Council, Idaho State Department of Agriculture, Idaho Commerce, etc.
China Highlights:
- China is Idaho’s 4th largest export market.
- Best prospects for U.S. exports: Agriculture, Aviation, Automotive, Cosmetics and Toiletries, Design and Construction Services, Education, Energy, Environmental Technology, Healthcare
Taiwan Highlights:
- Taiwan is Idaho’s 2nd largest export market.
- Best prospects for U.S. exports: aerospace and defense, electric power equipment and energy, ICT & telecommunications equipment, machinery and tools, medical devices, education, and franchising. Travel and tourism. The best prospects for U.S. exports for agriculture-related products include soybeans, beef and beef products, corn, wheat, and fresh fruit.
Japan Highlights:
- Japan is Idaho’s 5th largest export market.
- Best prospects for U.S. exports: Agricultural Sector, Financial Technology, Aircraft and Related Parts, Industrial Machine Tools, Medical Devices, Civil Nuclear Power, Cloud Computing, Defense Procurement, Nuclear Decommissioning, Pharmaceuticals, and Semiconductors
Seminar Details:
- Date: Thursday, April 13, 2023
- Time: 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
- Where: Idaho State Department of Agriculture
2270 Old Penitentiary Rd, Boise, ID 83712 - Price: $25
- Register Today!
*One on One consultations available after the seminar
Speakers: An impressive lineup of seasoned export professionals will lead this webinar.
Questions or Additional Information
Jennifer Verdon | Manager, Idaho Commerce
Office: 208.287.3165